Brame Drain

Useless ramblings about life that no one in their right mind would find interesting.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hey, Little Momma!

Here's the rest of the story...

Up at 3am after my little man awoke screaming bloody murder at midnight. Hopped on the Concord Bus to Logan and got here with time to spare +. Ironically, my ATM card was bunk -- couldn't get cash and after my first charge, couldn't do P.O.S. charges either. Kept saying my PIN was invalid -- just went thru this several weeks ago -- what gives?!?! Now I'm getting ready to purchase my 5 cup of coffee... :)

Thursday, September 22, 2005

First BLOG venture...

Not sure how exactly this differs from a website, but I had to try it.

I've had a heck of a time with sticking to a journal, much less keeping up with my email communication with friends and family, so there is a good chance I won't stick with this.

Thought for the day...

"If you always tell the truth, you never have to remember anything."
-- Mark Twain